Integrated WiFi Marketing Drives New Levels of Restaurant Revenue

Jun 9, 2023 | Newsletters Emails

Hello there, 

When it comes to marketing your restaurant, leveraging your guest data is critical for your success. With CogoBuzz Integrated Marketing, your Guest Wifi allows you to capture guest data.

But what’s important about guest data? How does it help you “know your guest”? 

In this email, I’ll walk through the process of getting basic guest data and how it can help you truly know your guest. Then, I’ll walk through how you can use that knowledge to engage your guest with a highly personal automation— leading to greater revenue, customer loyalty and increased guest satisfaction.  

If you have guest data, then it can become Guest Intelligence. That information is absolutely crucial to your success. 

Here’s a quick example of how data transforms into intelligence:

If you know the age of all your guests at Happy Hour, that’s guest data. Guest Intelligence is using that data to calculate the average age of your Happy Hour guests. That’s pretty important, right? It certainly would have helped the owners of the Thirsty Thirty Tavern pick a better promotion. 

However, a simple average age isn’t the objective. But, as you continue to use guest data, you’ll be able to take this process to the next level because you understand your guests better. With that understanding, you can truly engage them and personalize their entire experience. 

This begins with you owning ALL your guest data. That’s why my team at CogoBuzz is so passionate about ensuring you can own that data. Then, we give you the power to truly leverage all those behaviors and reach out to your guests in ways you can’t when third parties have your critical guest data.  

Here are five ways we leverage guest data to grow your business:

  1. Improved Segmentation and Targeting based on Behaviors
  2. Enhance Communication and Quickly Collect Positive Online Reviews
  3. Real-time, on-premise, targeted messaging to increase revenue 
  4. Help you Understand and Drive Customer Behavior
  5. Track and Analyze Behaviors Across Franchises

Want to learn more about how this works? Learn all about building your Customer Data using Integrated WiFi Marketing in these guides:

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Why You Should Own Your Data and Your Future

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How Data Can Help Your Business Succeed

While marketing often needs creativity to succeed, the best campaigns are driven by data and KPIs. With CogoBuzz, our state-of-the-art digital marketing service, we’ll set you up with the data you need to succeed…

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